Thursday, October 9, 2008

The high cost of McDonalds (even when your meal is actually free because you have a gift card)

Tonight I decided that, having followed my diet faithfully for several days, I could spare a few points and use my birthday McDonalds gift card at the same time. Saving money and enjoying some tasty chicken McNuggets...what could go wrong?
Well, I pulled up to the drive-thru, and placed my order: a McNugget Mighty Kids Meal, with Diet Coke, and a hot fudge sundae. Oh, and I opted for the Girl toy. I figured this would be relatively low points, right? I mean, it's a kid's meal.
After getting home and consuming my meal, which did NOT come with the girl's toy...I'm sad to report that I got some weird Star Wars/Transformery toy...I headed to the computer to log my dinner. Things did not go so well.
First I searched for a six piece McNugget Points value. It turns out that each McNugget is worth a point. Holy Crap! Sweet N Sour sauce turned out to be one point per serving, but fortunately, I only used half! My small french fries cost me five points, which I've decided totally wasn't worth it. I don't even like french fries! And then my desert, a slightly melted hot fudge sundae, was seven points. I haven't decided if the spoonful of ice cream I gave Henry lessened that Points value, but regardless, that's a crapload of points for a crappy little sundae!
Grand total for my "evening out:" 18.5 points. I've decided that McDonalds is a little too rich for my taste. (But I think the McNuggets were totally worth the "cost.")

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