Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Reasons Why I am Exceptionally Grumpy Today

1. I spent 13 hours today in the pharmacy.  Okay, actually 12 hours and 58 minutes, since I did leave for two minutes to go to the bathroom.  I didn't get to go to lunch, surviving only on a handful of stale Cheetos, a Diet Pepsi, and a slice of Starbucks lemon pound cake.  As I type this, I am actually so hungry that I feel nauseated, so I can't eat.  My sugar levels are a little out of whack.  And I apologize to anyone who may have been on the receiving end of some sugar-high snark.

2. There was no toilet paper when I finally got to the bathroom.  Seriously, does no on in the community I work in go to the bathroom at home?  There are always lines waiting to use it, and never enough toilet paper.  I don't get it.  When I'm going out in public, I pee before I leave home.  Because public bathrooms are kind of gross, and I avoid them if at all possible.

3.  My first flu shot patient of the day sneezed directly in my face.  While I had the needle in her arm.  Cover your mouths when you cough or sneeze, people.  A flu shot won't protect you when you have the sanitary habits of a grizzly bear.

4.  My pharmacy water purifier LITERALLY exploded today.  We're talking a loud squealing noise and water shooting all over the pharmacy, and then soaking me while I tried to figure out how to turn the water off.  This all happened five minutes after I should have been at lunch, but wasn't because I had so many scripts to fill.  So I was kind of hungry and very wet, and probably would have cried if I hadn't been so angry.

5. Honey Boo Boo has her own show.  But Firefly was cancelled.  I still can't get over this.  Why, America, why?  I think I should move to Canada.  Then again, the Canadians are responsible for Justin Bieber.  Which brings my next issue...

6. Justin Bieber and Nicki Minaj are collaborating now.  Why?  If you want to kill me, just shoot me.  This is just pure, unadulterated torture.  And they are playing it on the radio.

7.  On my drive home, I actually heard both "Nookie" and "The Chemicals Between Us" on the radio.  Why is this a bad thing?  Because both songs were almost over by the time I tuned in, further depressing me.

8.  When I finally got home tonight, my dog totally ignored me.  There is nothing quite like a sulky chocolate lab.  Hurtful, Brown Dog.  Don't think I won't remember this next time I catch you on the couch.

9. I actually was supposed to have today off. I only worked as a favor to my awesome partner, who is in Myrtle Beach with his family this week.  I want to hate him, but he's pretty fabulous if you overlook him being on vacation and me working overtime.

10.  I kind of wish I was working tomorrow.  Not because I want to go back to work after today's awesomeness.  But because I worry about what happens in my pharmacy when my partner and I aren't there.  And then I worry about what I'm going to have to deal with the day after, when I am back again.

1 comment:

  1. Melissa your fellow rph partner in crime..October 25, 2012 at 1:22 PM

    oh dear.. well no one understands your nightmare as much as another pharmacist that's for sure! I had this foreign guy come in the other day (not a patient just always asks for advice).. and he literally stood there coughing directly at me. Excuse me Mr.. you don't need to give me your plague or demonstrate your cough in front of me ESPECIALLY without covering your wretched face. So in a manner very uncharacteristic of me, I said, PLEASE COVER YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOU COUGH!! So he said sorry, and I trucked my butt half way across the grocery store to get his damn Robitussin DM (god forbid they put my pharmacy by the otc medicine!). So then he comes in a couple days later to tell me his cough is a lot better and says to me in this stalker like voice.. "I really miss you". What?!!? What?!? I wanted to say get your sorry ass out of here and leave me alone you creep! ... and another piece of me dies. Hey, at least you weren't the cause of a mall evacuation due to a veggie hotdog combusting. Love you sweetie :)
