Tuesday, October 2, 2012

My Name is Michael Westen...

...I used to be a spy.

Those of you who share my obsession know I'm quoting the opening credits of my latest favorite show, Burn Notice.  I absolutely LOVE this show.  It's funny, clever, and I can't stop watching it.  Burn Notice follows the activities/antics of burned spy Michael Westen, who is stuck in Miami until he can figure out who got him fired.  He's not completely alone, though.  He's got his ex-IRA girlfriend Fiona, ex-Navy Seal BFF Sam, fellow burned spy Jesse, and chain smoking mother Madeline.  In between trying to track down his enemies, he and his crew spend each episode using their super spy skills to help out average people in various types of trouble.  

Typing that all out makes it seem complicated, but really, it's not.  Burn Notice is one of the best shows on television.  Don't believe me?  You should check it out yourself...it's on the USA Network, which always seems to have entertaining shows, but this is the only one perpetually on my DVR.  Seasons 1 through 5 are available on Netflix, which is where I got hooked, and the current season, 6, is halfway done.  Which brings up my one lone complaint about Burn Notice.  USA likes to split up the seasons, airing half during the summer, and then making us wait/suffer until November for the remainder.  This season's mid-season cliffhanger has Michael and his peeps stranded in Central America.  I am finding the suspense unbearable.  If anyone knows how things are going to end, PLEASE, let me know.  Otherwise I might not make it until November!

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