Monday, May 25, 2009

Since I've come to Colorado, I've been introduced to lots of my aunt's friends, including Jill, who I think is the only person that actually will read this :) She wondered if we had ever gone to and made a list of 43 goals. So I had to check it out! Apparently you list 43 goals and then it reminds you of them, hooks you up with others who have the same goals, and keeps track of what you've acheived. I'm definitely gonna work on this, since I think it's pretty awesome! But the first thing I did when I got to the site was take the personality quiz:

I took the 43 Things
Personality Quiz and
found out I'm a
Extroverted Self-Knower

I am not really sure how accurate this is...since I wouldn't call myself creative, extroverted, or a self-knower. Actually, since I don't really know what a self-knower is, I guess I could be one. But I don't know...

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