Sunday, March 23, 2008


Easter was much fun this year. Grandma and Woody were there of course, as well as all the babies, my parents, brother, and Grandma Lola and Grandpa Ned. Izzy and Emma got all dressed up in their new Easter collars and leashes, which made up for the fact that I didn't have a new Easter dress or bonnet this year!
We had yummy cupcakes and a beautiful cake (if I say so myself), and a lovely dinner, complete with cheese potatoes, which everyone knows are my absolute favorite food in the whole world.

Woody, Emma, and Izzy went on a very long walk today, and then promptly passed out shortly thereafter.

Henry spent much time in the kitchen, wishing he could help eat the cheese potatoes, and managed a bite of cake before being escorted upstairs.

The only sad part of the day was remembering the decorations have to come down tomorrow! I hope everyone had a Happy Easter!!!

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