Saturday, March 29, 2008

Izzy's Update, by Izzy the Dawg

Today my sister Emma and I got our very first package ever, from our Aunt Paula in Colorado.

She sent us each our very own fleece blankets, which we love very much, and not only because they are from our favorite store Target!

Uncle Woody got a special blanket too, which he didn't want to share with anyone.

Not even his friend Ruthie, who seemed a little upset.

Ruthie tried to get some sympathy from our brother Henry, who told her to rise above the situation. Sitting on the counter seems to be his method of rising above every situation.

Mom says sitting on the counter is inappropriate. I don't know what that means, but every time she says it, Henry gets down, so it must be something bad.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Henry's New Tie: An Update, written by Ruthie Poodaloo

A few days ago when my mom was at work, one of her patients brought up a new collar and tie that was just perfect for Henry. And at just 68 cents, how could my mother pass it up? Well, Henry was really embarrassed by the fashion show photo shoot and made my mom promise not to post any pictures, but he forgot to make me promise! Here's the evidence:

"I can't believe that my grandmother would be involved in this humiliation..."

"I'd contemplate running away, but without any fingers how am I supposed to get this stupid thing off?"

Spring Cleaning

Today was a remarkably springy day, so my mother and I decided to start cleaning my house, from top to bottom. Unfortunately, because there is so much stuff in my house, we didn't even finish the top, much less make it to the bottom! My house has an attic (it was a prerequisite in all of the houses I looked at) which is half finished and Henry and Ruthie's favorite hang out, and half storage area, where crap I don't want to see gets shoved.

"Thou darest to enter my lair?"

For those of you who really know me, I'm an unmedicated compulsive shopper that particularly loves to buy holiday decorations at Target when they're on clearance, so my storage area is full of Christmas, Easter, Halloween, and Valentine's Day decor. Not in any particular order, or any particular tubby. Add to that the fact that I'm a bit disorganized, and you have a major mess on your hands. So my very adventuresome mother came over, and we emptied out the entire storage area, and then organized everything into tubbies according to holiday. Then we put most of it back into storage. But there's still miscellaneous crap all around the finished part of the attic, so my house looks a mess!

Nice tidy storage area, messy living area.

"This definitely needs to go."

"Seriously, why are you guys here?"

"Are we done yet?"

Unfortunately, spring cleaning is nowhere near done on Seward Ave, but at least the storage area is organized. Next up is getting some comfy attic furniture so that the old-school video games can be moved upstairs. Mario Kart, anyone?

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Easter was much fun this year. Grandma and Woody were there of course, as well as all the babies, my parents, brother, and Grandma Lola and Grandpa Ned. Izzy and Emma got all dressed up in their new Easter collars and leashes, which made up for the fact that I didn't have a new Easter dress or bonnet this year!
We had yummy cupcakes and a beautiful cake (if I say so myself), and a lovely dinner, complete with cheese potatoes, which everyone knows are my absolute favorite food in the whole world.

Woody, Emma, and Izzy went on a very long walk today, and then promptly passed out shortly thereafter.

Henry spent much time in the kitchen, wishing he could help eat the cheese potatoes, and managed a bite of cake before being escorted upstairs.

The only sad part of the day was remembering the decorations have to come down tomorrow! I hope everyone had a Happy Easter!!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008


We've had lots of visitors in the past few days, since everyone wants to meet Izzy and Emma. Uncle Ross has been to visit everyday, so he can play with the puppies and help take them out. It's super nice that everyone wants to help out. And the babies love having people over, since it means more belly rubs! Woody has come around a bit...he looked like he wanted to play with Emma and Izzy yesterday, which I thought was a good sign at first, until we realized that he really just wanted their new teething Nylabones. This was five minutes after he had gotten his own Nylabone, which we can only assume he ate, since it has disappeared completely. On a side note, the Nylabones came from our new PetCo store, which I have to say is one of the most wonderful stores I've ever been in! They have geckos, birds, and all sorts of fish (including clownfish, which I think I totally need now!), along with pet grooming, and sections devoted to cat and dog supplies. I could have spent hours in there! That's all for now, since Em and Iz need their hourly potty time, and we have lots of cooking to do for Easter tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


This past week has made me realize that I'm right where I want to be at this point in life: I have a great house, a nice new car, and four of the best babies around! Things are going pretty well, so I thought what better way to commemorate this awesome week than by starting a blog about the adventures of my little family on Seward Ave!

So I'll start by introducing all of us!

First there's me...I'm a pharmacist and the proud mother of two kitties and two sweet baby lab mixes! Besides dealing drugs and taking care of my babies, I like reading, movies, sewing and other crafty things, watching Project Runway and Dancing With the Stars, and spending time at the lake. Shopping is my most favorite pastime after all of those fun things. Oh, and I like really sparkly things like necklaces, earrings, and tiaras!

Then there are Henry and Ruthie. Henry, who will be 2 in July, is the most handsome yellow cat on Earth, or at least on Seward Ave. He enjoys sleeping at the top of the stairs, Temptations Dental Treats, and watching squirrels through the window. Ruthie is an incredibly charming 1 year old who loves a good belly rub, Dancing With the Stars, and waiting for an opportunity to finally explore that last frontier: the refrigerator

Emma and Izzy are our newest family members. They are both 8 week old lab mix sisters. Emma prefers to stay indoors where she can enjoy a good squeaky toy or her new Puppy Teething Fish Chew, although she does enjoy the occasional mud puddle beverage. Izzy finds the great outdoors exhilarating, but also likes a good snuggle on her mother's lap. Both are finding Seward Ave quite to their liking.

Our last members of the household, who are actually only visiting
us for the winter, are the Grandmother and her 8 year old Pekapoo, Woody. The Grandmother's interests include gardening, doing crosswords and cryptographs, and shopping at Wal-Mart. Woody's favorite pastimes are frolicking on the couch, chairs, and everyone's bed, watching Judge Judy every evening at 5, and eating cheese. Woody is not very fond of puppies, but he really enjoys playing with Henry and Ruthie, who are still having some trouble understanding how to play "cookie."

And that's all for now, since this is an excessively long post, and I'm sure everyone wants to go to bed...goodnight!!!