Monday, June 14, 2010

Book Review: Fahrenheit 451

I don't know why I call these "book reviews" because really, I don't feel like I'm smart enough to write a review...any ideas about a proper name for it? Anyhow, onto the actual subject, I decided a few weeks ago to really knuckle down in regards to my goals on, and realized that one of my goals is still the Rory Gilmore book list. So I printed it out, and on my lunch break wandered around Target's book section in search of anything that sounded interesting on the list. I found Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, which I somehow never had to read in high school or college. Not sure what's up with that, because it was very enjoyable and kind of scary all at the same time.

I'm sure everyone knows the plot: in the future, firemen burn books instead of fighting fires. One fireman begins to question why books are being burned, and decides to try to change things. What I find amazing was that this book was written over 50 years ago, and quite a lot of what the author describes as the future seems to be coming true. He talks about "seashells" that you wear in your ears, "tv walls" where you can interact with actors, and a general dumbing down of society. I can visualize how this book could become true at some point, and that scares me.

I am rereading this book, because it was so engrossing that I think I probably skimmed over parts, and I feel like I need to "know" every bit of it. Yes, I will say that it's a very good book. So maybe this is a review after all? I still don't feel it!

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