Saturday, December 27, 2008

Sarah's Top 8 TV Shows for 2008

8. Project Runway
Project Runway is definitely on a downward spiral...this season sucked so bad, it was demoted to my last spot!

7. Animal Cops: Houston
Sure it's sad, but I love when the abusers get arrested and I tear up when the animals get new, happy homes...

6. Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew
I'm a little afraid of Jeff Conway, but otherwise this show is mesmerizing...

5. Pushing Daisies
Almost like a cartoon, it was so bright, and colorful, and fantastic...of course, I loved it so much that it got canceled...

4. The Hills
Pretty clothes (that they wear, not design), pretty people (Brody Jenner, anyone?), pretty city (LA)...and of course, DRAMA!!!

3. Criminal Minds
I'll admit, I watched in the beginning because of Shemar Moore being so hot and all, but it really is an awesome show, especially if you have a fascination with psychiatry (okay, and maybe serial killers!)

2. Dancing with the Stars
I love sparkly clothes, high heels, and dancing. How could this not be on my list? Lance didn't win, but I'll still be watching next year...unless Cloris comes back. Then I'll just kill myself instead...

1. The Office
I have loved this show since the first episode, and it just keeps getting better. Jim and Pam engaged, Michael finding a soul mate (even if he lost her), and Dwight and Angela having a secret affair. Seriously, how can this show get any better? And with my future husband John Krasinski starring, how could it ever
not be in my number one spot? Please, NBC, don't cancel my favorite show!!!

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