Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sarah's Top 8 Books for 2008

These are not what I think are the best books published in 2008, because a) I haven't read all the books published in 2008, and b) some of these weren't published this year. These are merely my favorite books that I read this past year:

8. Change of Heart, Jodi Picoult
This is Jodi Picoult's latest about a prisoner on death row who believes he was condemned for a reason. The twist was so obvious that I won't name the movie that it reminded me of, but you'll see what I'm talking about when you read it. Still, one of the better books I read this year!

7. Love & Louis XIV, Antonia Fraser
For anyone considering this book: it's not a novel, but more like a research compilation about all the women who affected the life of Louis XIV. I loved it, but I'm also a nerd...

6. Me & Emma, Elizabeth Flock
Me & Emma has to be one of the sadder books I read this year, but I couldn't put it down, and ended up rereading it to make sure what I thought happened had really happened!

5. Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister, Gregory Maguire
I don't normally like this author's writing (I think I'm prejudiced toward male authors writing what I classify as 'female fiction', but I really liked this retelling of Cinderella.

4. Airframe, Michael Crichton
Michael Crichton is one of my favorite authors, and sadly passed away this year. This book is a thriller, and also taught me a little about the airline industry. Maybe more than I needed to know!

3. 19 Minutes, Jodi Picoult
Probably the saddest book on my list, I was completely sympathetic towards the criminal and found myself hating the victims of a school shooting. One of my favorite Jodi Picoult books, because I think it might enlighten people and help change attitudes towards bullying in schools...

2. Mademoiselle Boleyn, Robin Maxwell
I've always liked Anne Boleyn best of Henry's wives, and never understood why she was so hated. So when a book came out from her point of view, I naturally had to read it. Awesome!

1. The Tenth Circle, Jodi Picoult
This is my favorite Jodi Picoult book of all time. I couldn't stop reading it, and unlike many legal thrillers, I didn't see the end coming a mile away. If anyone ever reads one of my favorites, this should be first choice!

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