Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Big Bang Theory Personality Quiz

I don't know how I stumbled across the Big Bang Theory Personality Quiz, but I did, and I thought it was cute enough to post my (fairly accurate) results here:  

Which Big Bang Theory Character Are You?
More on The Big Bang Theory. Created by BuddyTV

I may not be Indian, and I'm certainly not male, but I think my results are otherwise spot on.  Except for my silence being mistaken for listening.  I'm pretty sure that's just because I'm kind of a space cadet...which kind of makes me laugh, because Raj is an astronomer.  We have space in common too!  Maybe Raj and I should get married.  At least we wouldn't have to worry about being interrupted while Doctor Who is on.

If you're a Big Bang Theory fan and take this quiz, I'd love to see a comment with your results and hear if they are as accurate as mine!

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