So I've been a bit busy this summer, working lots of overtime, and not being at home very much. Sadly, my few minutes of internet time at night are spent on Facebook, which is quite addictive, so I've been a little negligent about blogging. I realized today that I never even introduced our newest family member, and she's actually been living with us for over two months now!
Casey is a two-year-old border collie that my friend Tracy let me borrow while she was on vacation. We liked Casey so much that Tracy and her family let us keep her!
Casey likes hanging out with friends, particularly her BFF Izzy:
She is also an active member of the Seward Ave Canine Soccer team:
We are all very fond of Casey...well, except for Henry and Ruthie, who have decided that they do not like being herded around the house and yard.
poor mormon soccer ball.