Friday, July 2, 2010

Big Accomplishments!

I feel like so much got done today. First off, I finished consolidating and moving everything over to this new blog today. At first I was worried about the design, as Blogger has changed their formatting options since the last time I created a blog. But I think it has come out quite nicely, and I hope everyone else does too!

My second personal accomplishment for the day was completing my dresser. I know it probably doesn't seem huge to most people, but I am quite proud of my building skills. Though I have to give most of the credit to Target Home, because the dresser came with instructions written in perfect English and with complete illustrations. I was quite impressed, since most of the furniture I have put together over the years didn't have any instructions, or with directions very poorly translated over from Chinese. I think before I get behind Target Home completely, I'm going to have to build another of their products, but I can honestly say that this dresser was possibly the easiest piece of furniture I have ever built. The best part about my new dresser is that it matches my bedroom furniture in design. The finish is a bit lighter than my other furniture, but for a little over $200 compared to over $1000, I'm not going to complain.

I wish I had a picture of my expensive chest of drawers for comparison!

Lastly, and probably the most exciting, my kitchen is almost done! The counter was delivered and installed today, and I am absolutely thrilled! I have wanted this counter for five years now, since I bought my old house. And I am happy to say that it looks fabulous with my yellow walls, but still gives me the option of repainting in a few years if I get tired of my sunshiney kitchen. I'm hoping that won't happen anytime soon, because painting it was a pain!

All That Jazz is really "all that"!

No, the sink isn't functional yet, but I'm anticipating that I'll be able to wash dishes very soon!

Overall, I had an excellent day. We are so close to being done that I can hardly bear the anticipation...and I can't wait to throw a huge party at the end!


  1. Did you buy that dresser at the store or get it on the website? It matches my furniture too. I think I need to get one for Danny's clothes!

  2. I bought the dresser in the store, but it's available on the website. I would wait until it's free shipping if you're going to order it online, because it was seriously about $90, which is why I decided to get it at the store instead! If you search for "mission dresser" it should come up on the website, that's what I used when I was checking every week to see if free shipping was back.
