Saturday, January 23, 2010

Movie Night: Happy-Go-Lucky

When I added this movie to my Instant Netflix queue, I assumed that it would be a straightforward romance. I guess I didn't notice that it was a British film, because those don't tend to turn out the way I expect...I always enjoy the movie, but afterward can't figure out what the point was. Maybe I'm not intellectual enough for British features. Or just can't find a meaning unless it's thrown directly at my head. Then again, my usual fare (Transformers, Star Trek, etc) is really more about blowing stuff up than any sort of commentary on life. And I'm okay with that.

I really enjoy movies made in other countries, because I like to see all the little quirks that make our countries unique, and compare all the little things that make us the same. I found Happy-Go-Lucky to be perfect for that. Everyone and every place just seemed so real. And now I desperately want to travel to Britain...

For those who want a synopsis, Happy-Go-Lucky centers on Poppy, who at the age of 30 decides she needs to learn to drive. Poppy is the happiest person I have ever witnessed in a movie. Personally, I found her intensely annoying, and would have had to shut the movie off if it hadn't been for Poppy's friends and sisters, who were all rather entertaining. Poppy hires Scott, who might be the angriest person I've ever encountered in a movie, to teach her how to drive. Then, we follow Poppy at work, going out with friends, and on her weekly driving lessons. I enjoyed it, although I am not sure exactly what I spent two hours watching. However, even if I knew, I wouldn't tell, so I guess I'm not too concerned! If you watch it, clue me in on the deeper the meantime, I think I'm going to go watch Star Trek again!

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