2014 has been an unexpectedly busy year. Because of the horrible weather/driving conditions last winter, I decided that seven years was long enough to live 35 miles away from my job, so I bought a house that is a little closer to work, and in a little better condition than my old one. I made an offer on what I like to pretend is a little farm, but is really just 30 acres with some trees and ponds, a giant garage and a rather small but very nicely constructed house. I'm still keeping that farming/dog sanctuary dream as my ultimate goal, so it was kind of the perfect fit.
There are visions of rescue dogs frolicking in the new pond stuck in my head! |
Anyway, it only took six months to move all my belongings, and by Thanksgiving I was finally settled in my new abode, complete with Izzy, Emma, Henry, and Ruthie. No one has run away from home or stopped eating due to homesickness, so I think we're all reasonably happy. I, however, have come to the realization that I own WAY too much stuff. I don't remember buying half of it, and probably a good quarter I honestly didn't even know I had until I started unpacking. I think I could open a thrift store and keep it going for at least a year with just the things I don't want. Clearly last year's resolution to minimize/simplify my life didn't stick!
Beyond getting used to our lovely new home, I have a new feline member in our little family. Arthur is a 6 month old stray kitten who was given to me by a church friend just two weeks ago. He's the sweetest, most personable little cat I've ever met, and I adore him already! He has renewed my interest in Instagram, since I felt the urge to share the delight of Arthur with a larger audience. In other words, my family and coworkers were getting a little tired of looking at cell phone photos of the poor cat, so I have been forced to seek affirmation of Arthur's exceptional cuteness elsewhere.
Seriously, #bestcatever. Like, really. |
Now that I'm all settled in a new house that is significantly closer to my job, I'll have lots more opportunity for all my favorite things. I'm so looking forward to crafts, cooking, gardening, and hiking with the dogs, as well as exploring my new city! I'm actually decorating my house this year, inside and out, and throwing a Frozen-themed New Year's Eve bash for my family and friends. And with all the time I'm saving because I've cut my commute from 34 miles to 13, maybe I'll even have time to remember to share Arthur pictures on the blog!
Happy Christmas and a joyful New Year to all!