Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Chihuahuas are NOT dogs...

Moving from a city to a small town definitely gives you an opportunity to get to know the people you live near. In some cases, this is great (thanks, Frank, for mowing my backyard with your tractor), but in other cases, it makes me want to move back to the dirty 'Burn. My main reason: the chihuahua people that live down the road.

Now, I've never been a big fan of the chihuahua, since I was bitten by one while on vacation in the Adirondacks at the tender age of five. I find them to be yippy, repulsive, icky little cretins. Obviously some people are fond of the creatures; the AKC describes them as "graceful, alert and swift-moving with a saucy expression."

I have to respectfully disagree with the AKC.  I do not find a tiny dog bouncing around like a Mexican jumping bean to be graceful.  They might be alert and swift moving, but probably only because they are looking for the next person to bit.  And saucy?  The only thing that is saucy about this is the sweater:
Image courtesy of Stewart Miles /

I haven't had a run-in with a chihuahua in a long time, probably because I avoid them if at all possible, or maybe because I interact with three of the few responsible chihuahua owners on the planet. You know, the ones who actually train their tiny rat-dogs, instead of thinking, "Oh, how darling, little Elsbeth just bit that five-year-old girl in the face." Sadly, my new neighbors are not in that small group of society. Oh no. They let their 15 chihuahuas (that I am pretty sure they are breeding in order to supplement their monthly check from the great state of New York), run rampant. Out of their trailer, all over the yard, in the road, in front of cars, and after me while I'm jogging.

My first interaction with being chased by the rat-dogs ended in a few snappish words from Chihuahua Daddy, who told me to keep my hands off his dogs as I was trying to herd the things out of the road, and away from traffic. I told him that the next time the dogs ran after me, I wouldn't stop, except to enjoy the possibilities when the next Ford F350 comes rarin' down the road directly towards his herd. Day Two, I didn't stop, and a freaking rat-dog chased me down the road and bit me. Partly my fault, since I'm so out of shape that I can't even outrun a rat dog. Even so, now I'm pissed. I would sue them, but considering my taxes are supporting them, I'd really just be suing myself. I think I'm gonna send my cat Henry down there, though. He catches rabbits bigger than those dogs.

Friday, July 9, 2010

VAMPIRES SUCK- Official Trailer 2010(Twilight Spoof)

I think I might have to go see this movie...despite being anti-Twilight, I am firmly a Team Jacob kind of girl...and I love the end, where Team Jacob takes out Team Edward with a me crazy, but that was funny!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Holy Mother of Pearl, it is HOT!!

I would complain that it is unseasonably warm, but if 103 degrees is unseasonable for July, I really don't know where it belongs. Poor Henry isn't taking it well:

I would have yelled at him for being inappropriate, but he just looked so uncomfortable that I left him alone.

Well, I didn't leave him alone immediately...I had to snap just one more shot. Isn't he handsome, even when he is incapacitated by the heat? I love my yellow boy!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

We really need to make this a regular thing...

Luke and I decided to test out my new backyard by having a bonfire and fireworks display. Turns out I have a perfect backyard for such a gathering...great view, flat yard, no pesky neighbors (well, okay, those chihuahua people are weird, but thankfully they didn't intrude). Everyone had a great time, and I hope we can do it again soon!

The view from the deck.

I think the lights are staying up all year...I lovc Christmas lights!

Luke and his fire...I didn't ask what he used to get it to light so quickly.

I'm guessing that it was a fossil fuel of some sort...

Emma was remarkably well-behaved the entire night...I love my brown dog!

I've never been a fan of wine coolers, but Seagrams Lime Melonade was great...and only 3.5% alcohol...I do love my "kool-aid" beers!

Emma kept disappearing throughout the night, and I found her in Luke's truck every time...crazy dog won't jump in the back of my CR-V, but manages to get into the cab of a pickup with no problems!

Despite telling me he would not be sleeping outside without a tent, Luke decided this was the best view of the Big Dipper...

Such a nice bonfire!

Happy Independence Day!!!

Redneck Fireworks

Normally I have something interesting to say, but I think that Luke and his friend Moses can speak for themselves:

Happy 4th of July! =)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Big Accomplishments!

I feel like so much got done today. First off, I finished consolidating and moving everything over to this new blog today. At first I was worried about the design, as Blogger has changed their formatting options since the last time I created a blog. But I think it has come out quite nicely, and I hope everyone else does too!

My second personal accomplishment for the day was completing my dresser. I know it probably doesn't seem huge to most people, but I am quite proud of my building skills. Though I have to give most of the credit to Target Home, because the dresser came with instructions written in perfect English and with complete illustrations. I was quite impressed, since most of the furniture I have put together over the years didn't have any instructions, or with directions very poorly translated over from Chinese. I think before I get behind Target Home completely, I'm going to have to build another of their products, but I can honestly say that this dresser was possibly the easiest piece of furniture I have ever built. The best part about my new dresser is that it matches my bedroom furniture in design. The finish is a bit lighter than my other furniture, but for a little over $200 compared to over $1000, I'm not going to complain.

I wish I had a picture of my expensive chest of drawers for comparison!

Lastly, and probably the most exciting, my kitchen is almost done! The counter was delivered and installed today, and I am absolutely thrilled! I have wanted this counter for five years now, since I bought my old house. And I am happy to say that it looks fabulous with my yellow walls, but still gives me the option of repainting in a few years if I get tired of my sunshiney kitchen. I'm hoping that won't happen anytime soon, because painting it was a pain!

All That Jazz is really "all that"!

No, the sink isn't functional yet, but I'm anticipating that I'll be able to wash dishes very soon!

Overall, I had an excellent day. We are so close to being done that I can hardly bear the anticipation...and I can't wait to throw a huge party at the end!

Settling In

Most of our little Seward Ave family has made the move to the new house on Rocky Road. Only Izzy and Casey have yet to come for good...they are spending some quality time with the Grandmother, who lives right down the road. Henry, Ruthie, and Emma seem to have made themselves right at home:

So I guess now I have to start calling it my little Rocky Road family!

Naughty Ruthie

Ruthie is very cute, but has an alarming tendency to pee on things like beds or clothing. So I decided that when we moved I would attempt to retrain her not to pee on anything. And when I leave the house, she goes into a nice crate just for her, complete with water, bed, and litterbox. The first day did not go very well. There was quite a struggle getting her into the crate, and a good bit of meowing and scratching around. But things are going a little more smoothly now!

Okay, there was a bit of writhing around, as well...

We've Moved!

Yes, we are all finally staying at the new house out on Rocky Road. It's very exciting. Since we no longer live on Seward Ave, I decided that it was finally time to get a new blog address, and consolidate both my blogs, since it was a lot of work keeping up with two. So now Adventures on Seward Ave and the old Pharmiechick's Blog have been combined into this brand new version, with all of our old posts included. Not a very exciting post, I'm sure, but there will be lots of updates in the very near future.