Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Resolutions: 2011

Usually I go totally overboard with New Year's resolutions, making a ton that I can't keep, and then giving up on everything mid-January. I decided, since 2011 is going to be my year of reducing and reusing, I would also reduce the number of resolutions I made, in the hopes that I might actually keep one or two all year. I managed to pare down my list at 43Things to eight goals:

1. Save $20,000.
This will probably be the easiest goal, as long as I can stick with my other goals. Ultimately, I need some savings to move to Hawaii, so I have lots of incentive for this one.

2. Learn to speak Spanish.
I'm still kind of thinking about this resolution. Spanish seems like a great language to learn, except that I would like to live in Hawaii, where speaking Japanese or Korean is seen as a bonus on your job application. So maybe I should change it to "Learn to speak another language." I just have a feeling that Spanish would be easier for me than Japanese, since I took Latin for five years.

3. Go one year without buying anything made in China.
This one is going to be a killer. Every single Christmas present I received this year was made in China. And considering Wal-Mart Wednesdays are the Grandmother's favorite day of the week, I'm going to have trouble buying anything if I can't buy stuff made in China. It'll certainly help me along to saving $20,000, though!

4. Get my Hawaii pharmacist license.
This one really isn't going to be that difficult. I need to study to take the Hawaii MPJE, which will test my knowledge of their pharmacy laws. I've only read about a quarter of their pharmacy law book, but I can tell you, it's way harder to score Oxycontin there than in New York. Hmm...less people begging me for the "OCs" instead of "OPs" is just another reason to move to paradise!

5. Keep my house clean.
You would think this would be simple for me, but I am pathologically untidy. I'll have to work with my doctor for a drug to overcome this aspect of my personality!

6. Get a passport.
Because I really, really, really want to go to Ireland. Yes, I have been watching repeats of Ballykissangel on PBS again...

7. Use, sell, or donate anything I don't need.
Basically, I have too much crap that I don't need or even want. And I can't take it with me to Oahu, so I'm going to have to rehome it! Major garage sale this spring, and everyone's invited!

8. Don't buy anything I don't need.
Just to keep me from latching on to more items that I don't need, and will have to get rid of.

So wish me luck on my New Year's resolutions. I'm looking at these as being things I should have been doing already in my life. Are you making any resolutions this year?

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Public Service Announcement


I was recently hospitalized for a severe asthma exacerbation due to pneumonia, which would be easily stopped if everyone could follow the CDC's recommendations concerning hand washing and the spread of disease. It seems that what is taught as a general rule to kids in preschool ("This is the way we wash our hands, wash our hands, wash our hands...") is very easily disregarded by adults.

Some general rules regarding good hygiene that you should have learned by age 5:
  • If your hands are soiled, wash them.
  • Cough/sneeze into a tissue or your elbow, never into your hand. If you cough/sneeze into your hand, and then don't wash it, you are gross. End of story.
  • Wash your hands before and AFTER you eat. People usually wash their hands to get others' germs off before eating, but don't forget to get your own germs off your hands after eating and before interacting with others.
  • If you are sick, stay home. There is no need to infect the general population with your cooties. Remember, some of us can't fight off infection as easily as others.
  • When in doubt, use hand sanitizer. It's good stuff, I promise. Avon makes a tasty smelling peach concoction that I highly recommend
So now you have Sarah's general rules for good hygiene. Please don't make me sick again. After my near-death experience, I've realized that a large part of the general population have no idea about the spread of disease and good hygiene. Consider yourselves educated. And keep in mind that if you ever cough or sneeze in my face again, it's only my good manners keeping me from slapping you. There are some things that I don't like to share!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Movie Night: Tara Road

I added Tara Road to my Netflix queue with a bit of hesitation, as Circle of Friends by Maeve Binchy is one of my favorite books, and the movie adaptation of that novel changed the story in a way that I didn't appreciate. But despite my nervousness that Hollywood might "ruin" another book I had enjoyed, I figured I was probably safe, because I read Tara Road quite a while ago, and couldn't remember all the specifics. Which is really the best way to watch a movie adaptation of a novel...that way you aren't picking the movie apart based on the book, and you can really sit back and enjoy it.

And actually, at this point, I can't even tell you how closely the movie followed the book. I remember Ria (an Irish woman who discovers her husband has a pregnant girlfriend) swapping houses with an American woman, and that is about it. In the movie, the American turns out to be Marilyn, who decides to swap houses after her son is killed in a horrific accident.

There really isn't much for me to say about this movie, except I really enjoyed it. It was beautiful to watch, it made me cry several times, and I liked the new movie ending better than the book. I always love seeing what life is like in other countries (probably why I love reading Maeve Binchy books so much!) and Tara Road (both book and movie) was doubly interesting because you get to see how an American sees Ireland, and how an Irish person takes in the United States. So, in all, I would recommend it...and is anyone interested in swapping houses with me? =)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Important Womens' Health Issue

Important Womens' Health Issue:

* Do you have feelings of inadequacy?
* Do you suffer from shyness?
* Do you sometimes wish you were more assertive?
* Do you suffer exhaustion from the day to day grind?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist about Margaritas.

Margaritas are the safe, natural way to feel better and more confident about yourself and your actions. Margaritas can help ease you out of your shyness and let you tell the world that you're ready and willing to do just about anything. You will notice the benefits of Margaritas almost immediately and with a regiment of regular doses you can overcome any obstacles that prevent you from living the life you want to live.

Shyness and awkwardness will be a thing of the past and you will discover many talents you never knew you had. Stop hiding and start living, with Margaritas.

Margaritas may not be right for everyone. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not use Margaritas. However, women who wouldn't mind nursing or becoming pregnant are encouraged to try it.

Side effects may include:

- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Incarceration
- Erotic lustfullness
- Loss of motor control
- Loss of clothing
- Loss of money
- Loss of virginity
- Table dancing
- Headache
- Dehydration
- Dry mouth
- And a desire to sing Karaoke

* The consumption of Margaritas may make you think you are whispering when you are not.
* The consumption of Margaritas may cause you to tell your friends over and over again that you love them.
* The consumption of Margaritas may cause you to think you can sing.
* The consumption of Margaritas may make you think you can logically converse with members of the opposite sex without spitting.

Please share this important information with other women who may need Margaritas.

(Thanks to my Aunt Paula for sending this to me!!)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My First Kiss - 3OH!3 featuring Ke$ha

Some thoughts:
  1. This song kinda (okay, really) kicks my ass, but the video is kinda (okay, really) bad!
  2. That one dude looks A LOT like Tom Brady.
  3. How awesome is that gold lipstick that Ke$ha is wearing???
  4. I think every band/singer should have a punctuation mark in their name.
Seriously, though, if anyone knows where to get that lipstick, I need to know.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Book Review: Charlie St. Cloud

I guess I should start off by saying yes, I did buy a book with Zac Efron on the cover, and yes, I am okay with that. Maybe now is a good time to get one of my deep, dark secrets off my chest: I have seen all three High School Musicals, and I even went to see the stage version at Merry-Go-Round Playhouse last summer. And I enjoyed it! I have the tastes of a 12-year-old girl, and I am not ashamed to admit it.

Zac Efron, however, is not the reason that I purchased Ben Sherwood's novel Charlie St. Cloud. The truth is, the movie looks great from the previews I've seen, and I hate seeing a movie before I read the book, because usually the book is way better. We can discuss exceptions to this rule at a later time. Charlie St. Cloud was originally published as The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud, and I'm hoping that the title was the only thing that was changed for this edition, since it always annoys me when books get edited after a movie is made. There aren't any notations on the book, but the presence of Zac Efron's pretty face kind of makes me worry that the book has been dumbed down for teenyboppers.

Charlie is a teenage boy that gets along remarkably well with his little brother Sam. So well in fact, that when the two boys are in a horrific car accident, they make a promise to each other to always stay together. Years later, Charlie is found working at the cemetary where his brother is buried...and seeing, talking to, and playing catch with Sam every night as the sun goes down. Charlie, at 28, has given up school, girlfriends, basically life itself, just to stay with his little brother. Then along comes Tess, a gorgeous sailmaker, who just might be responsible for Charlie coming to life again.

Charlie St. Cloud was a really quick read, so much so that I thought it might be considered a young adult read. Regardless of it's genre, it was enjoyable. I think it would be a great beach read, and definitely worth reading before going to see the movie.

Friday, August 13, 2010

I Won't Spend Another Night Alone - The Ataris

This has been my favorite song for years, ever since I found it on "The Gone With the Wind of Punk Rock Samplers" CD. Thank goodness for those Hot Topic compilations, otherwise I might never have found it!

(I totally stole this from YouTube, in case anyone was wondering!)

Book Review: Oryx and Crake

Margaret Atwood is by far my favorite contemporary writer. She wrote my favorite book of all time, The Blind Assassin, and I have genuinely enjoyed every Atwood novel that I've read. She writes poetry as well, but considering I dislike poetry in general and I don't want to ruin our author-reader relationship, I'm just going to stick with her prose for now.
Oryx and Crake is a bit different from The Blind Assassin, which was set in the past and could definitely have been a true story. Oryx and Crake is more like her novel The Handmaid's Tale, only instead of crazy religious people shooting up Congress and taking over the US, genetic engineering ends up wiping out a good part of society. I know that sounds awful, but it is really is an amazing book, right along the lines of 1984 or Brave New World, which both could happen, but you hope that it doesn't go down in your lifetime.

As always with Atwood, Oryx and Crake is so well written that I couldn't put it down, and will definitely be reading it again. I know I say that about a lot of books, which could either mean I don't have very discerning taste, or I am just really good at picking out books I know I'm going to like. But my true test of a good book would be recommending it to my friends, and Oryx and Crake definitely passes.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I Love eBay!

My cousin is getting married in approximately four weeks, and I felt that none of my current wardrobe was acceptable for the celebration, so naturally I had to do a little shopping. I have to say, I love eBay. Where else can I buy a workout video from New Jersey, a silk dress from China, and shoes from Singapore all in one transaction? Well, besides Walmart. Actually, everything would have been from China had I shopped at Walmart, so I guess that didn't make any sense. Regardless, I found some killer Rocket Dogs on eBay that I had to share:

I know, I know, I have amazing taste. So now I must be off to find a dress to wear with them, and a cute boy to accompany me! Comment with any ideas/phone numbers. Just kidding...about the ideas, that is. =)

Post Secret

Every so often I find a secret on Post Secret that I could have sent:

It's good to know I'm not the only one!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Oregon Trail: The Movie

Finally, a live action version of my favorite childhood computer game!

I'm not gonna lie. I'd totally go see this movie if it was for real. Probably twice. Thanks, Half Day Today!, for making my day better.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Chihuahuas are NOT dogs...

Moving from a city to a small town definitely gives you an opportunity to get to know the people you live near. In some cases, this is great (thanks, Frank, for mowing my backyard with your tractor), but in other cases, it makes me want to move back to the dirty 'Burn. My main reason: the chihuahua people that live down the road.

Now, I've never been a big fan of the chihuahua, since I was bitten by one while on vacation in the Adirondacks at the tender age of five. I find them to be yippy, repulsive, icky little cretins. Obviously some people are fond of the creatures; the AKC describes them as "graceful, alert and swift-moving with a saucy expression."

I have to respectfully disagree with the AKC.  I do not find a tiny dog bouncing around like a Mexican jumping bean to be graceful.  They might be alert and swift moving, but probably only because they are looking for the next person to bit.  And saucy?  The only thing that is saucy about this is the sweater:
Image courtesy of Stewart Miles /

I haven't had a run-in with a chihuahua in a long time, probably because I avoid them if at all possible, or maybe because I interact with three of the few responsible chihuahua owners on the planet. You know, the ones who actually train their tiny rat-dogs, instead of thinking, "Oh, how darling, little Elsbeth just bit that five-year-old girl in the face." Sadly, my new neighbors are not in that small group of society. Oh no. They let their 15 chihuahuas (that I am pretty sure they are breeding in order to supplement their monthly check from the great state of New York), run rampant. Out of their trailer, all over the yard, in the road, in front of cars, and after me while I'm jogging.

My first interaction with being chased by the rat-dogs ended in a few snappish words from Chihuahua Daddy, who told me to keep my hands off his dogs as I was trying to herd the things out of the road, and away from traffic. I told him that the next time the dogs ran after me, I wouldn't stop, except to enjoy the possibilities when the next Ford F350 comes rarin' down the road directly towards his herd. Day Two, I didn't stop, and a freaking rat-dog chased me down the road and bit me. Partly my fault, since I'm so out of shape that I can't even outrun a rat dog. Even so, now I'm pissed. I would sue them, but considering my taxes are supporting them, I'd really just be suing myself. I think I'm gonna send my cat Henry down there, though. He catches rabbits bigger than those dogs.

Friday, July 9, 2010

VAMPIRES SUCK- Official Trailer 2010(Twilight Spoof)

I think I might have to go see this movie...despite being anti-Twilight, I am firmly a Team Jacob kind of girl...and I love the end, where Team Jacob takes out Team Edward with a me crazy, but that was funny!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Holy Mother of Pearl, it is HOT!!

I would complain that it is unseasonably warm, but if 103 degrees is unseasonable for July, I really don't know where it belongs. Poor Henry isn't taking it well:

I would have yelled at him for being inappropriate, but he just looked so uncomfortable that I left him alone.

Well, I didn't leave him alone immediately...I had to snap just one more shot. Isn't he handsome, even when he is incapacitated by the heat? I love my yellow boy!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

We really need to make this a regular thing...

Luke and I decided to test out my new backyard by having a bonfire and fireworks display. Turns out I have a perfect backyard for such a gathering...great view, flat yard, no pesky neighbors (well, okay, those chihuahua people are weird, but thankfully they didn't intrude). Everyone had a great time, and I hope we can do it again soon!

The view from the deck.

I think the lights are staying up all year...I lovc Christmas lights!

Luke and his fire...I didn't ask what he used to get it to light so quickly.

I'm guessing that it was a fossil fuel of some sort...

Emma was remarkably well-behaved the entire night...I love my brown dog!

I've never been a fan of wine coolers, but Seagrams Lime Melonade was great...and only 3.5% alcohol...I do love my "kool-aid" beers!

Emma kept disappearing throughout the night, and I found her in Luke's truck every time...crazy dog won't jump in the back of my CR-V, but manages to get into the cab of a pickup with no problems!

Despite telling me he would not be sleeping outside without a tent, Luke decided this was the best view of the Big Dipper...

Such a nice bonfire!

Happy Independence Day!!!

Redneck Fireworks

Normally I have something interesting to say, but I think that Luke and his friend Moses can speak for themselves:

Happy 4th of July! =)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Big Accomplishments!

I feel like so much got done today. First off, I finished consolidating and moving everything over to this new blog today. At first I was worried about the design, as Blogger has changed their formatting options since the last time I created a blog. But I think it has come out quite nicely, and I hope everyone else does too!

My second personal accomplishment for the day was completing my dresser. I know it probably doesn't seem huge to most people, but I am quite proud of my building skills. Though I have to give most of the credit to Target Home, because the dresser came with instructions written in perfect English and with complete illustrations. I was quite impressed, since most of the furniture I have put together over the years didn't have any instructions, or with directions very poorly translated over from Chinese. I think before I get behind Target Home completely, I'm going to have to build another of their products, but I can honestly say that this dresser was possibly the easiest piece of furniture I have ever built. The best part about my new dresser is that it matches my bedroom furniture in design. The finish is a bit lighter than my other furniture, but for a little over $200 compared to over $1000, I'm not going to complain.

I wish I had a picture of my expensive chest of drawers for comparison!

Lastly, and probably the most exciting, my kitchen is almost done! The counter was delivered and installed today, and I am absolutely thrilled! I have wanted this counter for five years now, since I bought my old house. And I am happy to say that it looks fabulous with my yellow walls, but still gives me the option of repainting in a few years if I get tired of my sunshiney kitchen. I'm hoping that won't happen anytime soon, because painting it was a pain!

All That Jazz is really "all that"!

No, the sink isn't functional yet, but I'm anticipating that I'll be able to wash dishes very soon!

Overall, I had an excellent day. We are so close to being done that I can hardly bear the anticipation...and I can't wait to throw a huge party at the end!

Settling In

Most of our little Seward Ave family has made the move to the new house on Rocky Road. Only Izzy and Casey have yet to come for good...they are spending some quality time with the Grandmother, who lives right down the road. Henry, Ruthie, and Emma seem to have made themselves right at home:

So I guess now I have to start calling it my little Rocky Road family!

Naughty Ruthie

Ruthie is very cute, but has an alarming tendency to pee on things like beds or clothing. So I decided that when we moved I would attempt to retrain her not to pee on anything. And when I leave the house, she goes into a nice crate just for her, complete with water, bed, and litterbox. The first day did not go very well. There was quite a struggle getting her into the crate, and a good bit of meowing and scratching around. But things are going a little more smoothly now!

Okay, there was a bit of writhing around, as well...

We've Moved!

Yes, we are all finally staying at the new house out on Rocky Road. It's very exciting. Since we no longer live on Seward Ave, I decided that it was finally time to get a new blog address, and consolidate both my blogs, since it was a lot of work keeping up with two. So now Adventures on Seward Ave and the old Pharmiechick's Blog have been combined into this brand new version, with all of our old posts included. Not a very exciting post, I'm sure, but there will be lots of updates in the very near future.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

It's Summer!!!!!

I have been waiting for summer for a while. Since last September, in fact. Although I do appreciate winter, it tends to get a little old, since it seems to snow from October until May here. To make myself more content living in New York, I convince myself that summer really lasts from Memorial Day until my birthday (September 16, in case you're feeling giving this year), just to make it a bit longer. I can't wait to toast marshmallows, get the jetski on the lake, and go hiking! Yay for summer!

Even my WeeMee is ready for a drink and some roadtripping. Not at the same time, of course.

In other news, I feel that I need a new hairstyle, considering my pharmacy is particularly airless in the summer, and I am forced to wear a labcoat over my red and khaki. If that made no sense to you, I'll elaborate. My hair is halfway down my back, and super thick. I like to be able to pull it back without it being ripped from my scalp. So I think I need to downsize. Right now I have Southern Belle, Beauty Queen hair. Funny, considering I'm a total Yankee! So I googled for some celebrity hair images, and found this one:

Reese Witherspoon is my favorite Southern Belle!

I know, it's pretty much my current hairstyle, just a lot shorter. Maybe I was meant to be a Southern Belle all along? Reese is pretty cute, and I could certainly pick worse celebrities to emulate. I just hope I don't panic when I get there. The last time I asked for six inches to be taken off, the stylist got confused and took 14. I cried for about an hour, in front of people I didn't know. It was horrible and ridiculous all at the same time. Let's hope my current stylist undertands terms of measurement. I'm bringing my tape measure, just to be on the safe side. =)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Book Review: Night

Night by Elie Wiesel has been on my reading list for quite a while. There is so much to say about this book, that I don't really know where to start. It was:
  • horrifying
  • tragic
  • thought-provoking
  • devastating
  • unforgettable
I have read many books about the Holocaust. Some were children's fiction, some were journals, some were novels, and some were based on interviews with survivors. None that I have read were written so simply, or so mesmerizing as Night. Elie Wiesel wrote this book in Yiddish, years after his release from a concentration camp. You would think that it would not be such a smooth read, but the translation is amazing. While reading it, you feel as if you are observing everything he describes, and it is terrifying. For someone to have survived, and then shared such an experience is amazing. I doubt that there is anything further I can say that has not already been said by someone else, and better, but I can believe that if everyone had to read this book and imagine themselves or their family experiencing such horror, perhaps there could be an end to such cruelty and inhumanity. Then again, perhaps not.

(Night available from for $8.45 on June 18, 2010)

**Full disclosure: I work for Target as a pharmacist, so I purchase almost everything there, which is why most products have a link to Target instead of Walgreens or Borders, etc. I always link to the merchandiser where I purchase the item, so please don't think I am advertising for Target. It is just cheaper and more convenient for me to shop there! I do not profit from this blog in any way, other than enjoying writing it.**

Monday, June 14, 2010

Book Review: Fahrenheit 451

I don't know why I call these "book reviews" because really, I don't feel like I'm smart enough to write a review...any ideas about a proper name for it? Anyhow, onto the actual subject, I decided a few weeks ago to really knuckle down in regards to my goals on, and realized that one of my goals is still the Rory Gilmore book list. So I printed it out, and on my lunch break wandered around Target's book section in search of anything that sounded interesting on the list. I found Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, which I somehow never had to read in high school or college. Not sure what's up with that, because it was very enjoyable and kind of scary all at the same time.

I'm sure everyone knows the plot: in the future, firemen burn books instead of fighting fires. One fireman begins to question why books are being burned, and decides to try to change things. What I find amazing was that this book was written over 50 years ago, and quite a lot of what the author describes as the future seems to be coming true. He talks about "seashells" that you wear in your ears, "tv walls" where you can interact with actors, and a general dumbing down of society. I can visualize how this book could become true at some point, and that scares me.

I am rereading this book, because it was so engrossing that I think I probably skimmed over parts, and I feel like I need to "know" every bit of it. Yes, I will say that it's a very good book. So maybe this is a review after all? I still don't feel it!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Getting Ready to Move!

Lots of accomplishments at my new house, mostly thanks to my mom and Jim, who have been so busy there doing molding, and walls, and tons of other stuff. I'm a little sad to leave my old house on Seward Ave, because I really love it here. But I think the new house will be better for my puppies, and it's closer to work, and there will be lots of projects to keep me busy for quite some time! I haven't had much opportunity to document the changes, but here are a few of my favorite things that we've done:

This light was originally intended for my old house's dining room. But I loved it so much that I decided to put it in the dinette at the new house!

My bedroom is officially done, and my favorite picture (of old buildings in Geneva) is already on the wall. Notice the gorgeous baseboards that Jim cut and Mom stained. They are not traditional molding. We bought 1x4 pine boards, routed one edge, and then stained them. I think they look great, and match the floor perfectly. It was such a good idea, and much less expensive than fancier molding!

Still working on the living room wall. It desperately needs to be painted, but I still haven't found a new (non-watermelon) red, nor has the mudding been finished. Soon, I hope!

Just a "before" picture of the garden in front of the house. All weeds and raspberry bushes and spiders. It's taking me quite a while to get it cleaned up.

In other new-house news, I did finish my little garden at the entrance, but can't find a picture. I planted Stella d'Oro lilies, some daisies, and a nice tomato plant. I have decided to try combining veggies and flowers...and I didn't have the time or energy to dig a real vegetable garden this year! I can't wait till I can eat a nice BLT in my new kitchen. My full bathroom is completely finished, and looks great. The master bath still has some work, but it's all stuff I should be able to handle with no problem. The countertop people are coming to measure for the SECOND time (that is another story) in June, and it will be installed July 2. At that point, it will be almost like a real house!

Sunday, May 9, 2010


You have got to be kidding me. I know I live in New York, but honestly, it's May. Time for planting my garden, not brushing my car off. I do not approve!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Why, Mother Nature, Why???

I am very firmly entrenched in my belief that it should not snow after March. So imagine my dismay when I woke up on April 27, to this:


Izzy, Emma, and Casey seemed to enjoy it though.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Silly Kitties

My cats are very hard to photograph, since they usually come out as an unusable blurry image. But I think when I actually get a shot, they are pretty cute!

Henry, watching me on the computer.

Ruthie, trying to see out the front door. Originally Henry was hanging there too, but I couldn't get my camera fast enough!

Henry, playing with the camera cord. He is just so handsome!

Friday, April 16, 2010

March for Babies

I know I haven't blogged in quite a while, but I've been staying fairly busy between work and the new house. Just wanted to let everyone know that I'll be walking in the March for Babies in Ithaca on April 25. The March of Dimes is a really great organization that did quite a lot for the Center for the Disabled, where I volunteered during pharmacy school. Many of the kids there had disabilities that the March of Dimes is actively working to prevent in the future, so I would LOVE if anyone would be interested in donating to this great cause! (Just click on the picture above). Thanks so much for your support of this wonderful organization!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Paint Preview

My charming brother has been making fun of me lately, because the new house is being decorated with primary colors. Of course, considering my brother thinks that shag carpeting is the coolest floor covering ever, I listen to his opinions and then continue to do as I please. Here is the result so far:

Did I burn your retinas?

The laundry room is now a springy green color, compliments of the Walmart "Oops" paint shelf. (Seriously, $6 for a gallon of paint. Even if it doesn't work out, you're only out $6 instead of $40.) The kitchen/dining area is bright yellow so far, but that white wall on the left is going to be a rosy red accent wall by tomorrow evening. And the hallway and foyer are bright blue. So far the master bedroom is pale green, and the larger guest bedroom is purple. The third upstairs bedroom is going to be a random tan color that I found, since I figured it would go well with my retro blue and red furniture set. And my living room is going to have that red accent wrap around the other side of the wall, and then dark blue everywhere else. Probably not to everyone's taste, but I like some color to pep me up! I mean, the countertop I picked for the kitchen was actually named "All That Jazz." No, there is no glitter in it...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hell Has Officially Frozen Over

I cooked dinner tonight. It was edible, and didn't make anyone ill! Yes, I am aware that shepherd's pie is not the most difficult entree to prepare, but considering my inability to make mac n cheese, I'm calling this a WIN!

"Shepherd's Pie, all slathered in cheese!"

I am still quite surprised that it was so tasty. It even looks tasty!

Maybe next time I'll try cooking the veggies long enough so they don't squeak when you chew them! I think my poor culinary skills are a direct result of being both impatient and easily distracted. If I had some Ritalin, I bet I could be the next Giada. Minus the cleavage and with a little more pudge, of course!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Summer, Where Are You?

Snowicane, Snowpocalypse, Snowmaggedon. I don't care what you call it, I DO NOT approve of 20 inches of snow in my driveway. Boo, winter. BOO.

I was a little concerned that my deck might collapse under Winter's Wrath...

But Izzy was delighted!

I am still not sure what all the hullabaloo was about. I mean, it's central New York. It snows here, and quite a lot. Syracuse and Rochester vie for Snowiest Metropolitan Area every year. I just don't like when it snows all at once, because that requires getting it out of my car's way. On the bright side, I didn't have to go to the gym today, since I spent 4 hours shoveling snow by hand. That's right, I don't have a snowblower or a husband. I guess I really need to get to work on that. Or move to Hawaii!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The First Knick-Knack

That's right, the new house isn't even done, and I already have a knick-knack up on my new kitchen shelves.

I love my little Target collection...thank you, Fran!!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


I have loved Tim Hortons since my first experience in Toronto, where I was able to have a BLT sub, a Boston Cream donut, and hot chocolate....ALL IN ONE PLACE! So I was pretty excited when the franchise finally made it out of Canada and into my hometown, resulting in round-the-clock availability of my favorite donuts and coffee. But I was beyond excited when our Tim Hortons decided to expand by adding a Cold Stone Creamery. Naturally the Grandmother, the Mothership and I had to check it out!

Peanut Butter Cup Perfection!

Chocolate ice cream, hot fudge, peanut butter, and peanut butter cups all smushed into one amazingly delicious frozen dessert. Can it get better than this?

I'd say the Grandmother was pretty pleased too...

Overall, the addition of Cold Stone to the joy that is Tim Hortons is a win-win situation. Now you can get ice cream, donuts, and coffee all in one place! I wonder if you can use the drive-thru to get ice cream? Cause I don't like getting out of my car in the winter...

Friday, January 29, 2010


Guess who went to Doug's Fish Fry today? That's right, me!!!

The Onion might take a few years off your life, but still soooooo enjoyable!

Thursday, January 28, 2010


I feel like I haven't been very good about keeping updated on our progress at the new house, so here goes!

The flooring for upstairs (laminate in living room, kitchen, bedrooms and hall, and vinyl in bathroom and laundry room) will be installed on Monday. As in four days from now. Prior to installation, the kitchen cupboards have to be installed, since laminate has to 'float' so cupboards can't be installed on top of it. The cupboards are still in their boxes in my garage. And I have to work 11-9 on Friday, and 9-6 on Saturday and Sunday. So my mother and brother are going to have a very exciting weekend installing my kitchen for me! Fortunately, they only have to set the lower cupboards into place, so the flooring people can work around them. So I think it will go well! At least I hope so, because once the flooring is in, I can move in, and sell my old I'm really hoping it gets done soon!

I have seriously been painting my butt off...I've lost about 20 pounds, but I've also been running as practice for the Bolder Boulder, so it could be due to that and not the painting. But either way, I've gone through about 10 gallons of paint so far, and still haven't finished the upstairs! I have two of the three upstairs bedrooms done, as well as the hallway and the entryway, and all the ceilings. And let me tell you, I will NEVER paint another entryway as long as I have money to pay someone else to do it. The kitchen and living room are 'half' done, as in I've done around the ceilings and the trim, but have to paint the walls still. And the laundry room, bathroom, and third bedroom are still waiting to really be started. So far, I have used light and dark blue, light green, purple, and yellow. Still have green and taupe to go. I really do love to paint...I can't wait to start finishing off the basement, so I can get some new colors. I found some really pretty orangey colors at Lowe's today!

The moving part of all this business is not going well at all. I have decided that I really need to simplify my life. I own over three closets full of clothing, some of which I can't remember buying. I packed away 5 huge crates of knick knacks, and my house is still fully decorated. So my new plan is to pack up all my crap, shove it into my new basement, and then sort. I'm talking some serious sorting! And then I am going to have a ginormous garage sale next summer. You're all invited!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ruthie Being Inappropriate

Ruthie has a very hard time understanding that sleeping on the counter is inappropriate. Not quite as inappropriate as eating plastic bags and pooping in the craft room, but still not good.

Even better than eating plastic bags is napping on one!

I often turn to books for comfort, but not the physical type...but Ruthie can't read (as far as I know), so I guess sleeping on them is the next best thing!

Despite the naughtiness, she's pretty cute. And awfully sweet. So I guess I'll keep her. For now.