Sunday, August 24, 2008

Merry-Go-Round Playhouse: The Producers

I've been so busy with work and puppies and camp that I completely forgot that the Mothership and I attended a show at Merry-Go-Round last week. We saw The Producers, and enjoyed it thoroughly. The actors were great, especially the two who played Leo Bloom and Ulla. (And the girl who played Ulla looked exactly like Katherine Heigl - Izzy from Grey's was freaky.) The entire performance was incredible, and the Mothership and I had the good fortune of having the two rows ahead of us completely empty, so we could see everthing on stage. It also made it possible for us to catch the carnation that the producer throws out at the beginning of each show - I've been waiting all season! Sadly, as it's turning into fall, it's also getting towards the end of the season. Only two shows left: Little Shop of Horrors, which we see September 3rd, and Church Basement Ladies, on September 16th (my birthday!!!) Can't wait!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Reverend Jack Van Impe has REACHED OUT!

For a very long time my father has talked about the Reverend Jack Van Impe, and how he changes peoples' lives through his televangelism. I largely ignored him, since he does tend to elaborate when telling stories, and I couldn't imagine anything that strange being real. Then one night, after spending 10 hours in the emergency department only to come home hopped up on Zofran and unable to sleep, I turned on the television, and found the Reverend Jack Van Impe and his lovely wife on my screen. I seriously thought I was either hallucinating or it was an incredibly funny SNL skit. Either way, strange. But no, it turned out that Zofran doesn't make you imagine elaborate infomercials, and SNL isn't really funny. The Reverend Jack Van Impe is very real.

For a while after discovering that my father wasn't lying about the hilarity of the Reverend Jack Van Impe's broadcasts (they really are funny, seriously, you should be on the lookout for them!) I forgot all about him, and his lovely wife. And then, inside a box of books I bid for and won on ebay, I found this:
I am so touched. The Reverend Jack Van Impe has reached out, TO ME!! He wants me to pray for the millions of lost people, pray for his ministry team, and mostly pray that God's people provide the financial resources necessary to meet the needs of the ministry this very summer! I am honored. Thank you Reverend Jack Van Impe, for believing that I am not one of the lost ones, and that I have the power to change things through prayer (and a hefty donation to your ministry.) It really means a lot. I'll start praying for you just as soon as I finish bidding on my latest box of cheezy romance novels!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Henry and Ruthie are completely INAPPROPRIATE!

Henry and Ruthie have discovered a new trick. They like to sleep on top of the cupboards in the kitchen. To access their favorite area requires jumping on a stool, leaping to the counter, walking over the stove, through the sink, jumping on the refrigerator, and then one giant leap to napping bliss. At first I thought it was cute, as evidenced by the following:

"I am highly offended that you are disturbing my slumber."

"I'm kind of embarrassed that you had to witness this..."

Then one day while my mother and brother were babysitting, one of my rooster plates smashed to the floor. I have to say, it's not so entertaining now!

The accident doesn't seem to be keeping Henry awake at night...