Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Why, Mother Nature, Why???

I am very firmly entrenched in my belief that it should not snow after March. So imagine my dismay when I woke up on April 27, to this:


Izzy, Emma, and Casey seemed to enjoy it though.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Silly Kitties

My cats are very hard to photograph, since they usually come out as an unusable blurry image. But I think when I actually get a shot, they are pretty cute!

Henry, watching me on the computer.

Ruthie, trying to see out the front door. Originally Henry was hanging there too, but I couldn't get my camera fast enough!

Henry, playing with the camera cord. He is just so handsome!

Friday, April 16, 2010

March for Babies

I know I haven't blogged in quite a while, but I've been staying fairly busy between work and the new house. Just wanted to let everyone know that I'll be walking in the March for Babies in Ithaca on April 25. The March of Dimes is a really great organization that did quite a lot for the Center for the Disabled, where I volunteered during pharmacy school. Many of the kids there had disabilities that the March of Dimes is actively working to prevent in the future, so I would LOVE if anyone would be interested in donating to this great cause! (Just click on the picture above). Thanks so much for your support of this wonderful organization!